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GTA Sa Spider-Man mod by Star Gamer

    This Mod Is So Unique You Can See Download Button After Some Screenshots But Watch The                                                                                Full Video.
                                            Read The Using Keys First Before Downloading.

    ===============Spider-Man & Carnage Keys===============  
   To enable the mod type = SPIDER
   To disable the mod type = SPIDER                                                                                                     
   To do swing in the air press = LShift + RMB
   To attack with super strike press = Q + E
   To do fast wall run press = SPACE
   To select the character press = Tab + Capslock
  ===============Venom Keys===============
   To do swing in the air press = LShift + RMB

   To attack with super strike press = Q + E
   To do fast wall run press = SPACE
   To catch the car press = Q + E
    To throw the car press = LMB

                                     Click On The Download Button To Download This Mod
File Downloading Size = 23 MB
File Downloading Link = Mediafire Link
File Type = Rar / Zip
File Based On = Super-Powers Mods

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